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  • Schedule of HJS Main/Written Examination 2024.(Kindly Visit Result/Recruitment)

Office Memorandum/ Orders


>>  Office Memorandum No.72 (Regarding Selection to ‘02’ Vacant Posts of Programmer  Grade-II.) Dated: 27th September, 2024.(172 KB)

>>  Office Memorandum No.62 (Regarding Selection to ‘05’ Vacant Posts of Assistant Registrar.) Dated:05.09.2024(350 KB)

>>Office Memorandum No 52/UHC/Admin-B/IV-01/2023 Dated: 25 July, 2024(263 KB)

>> Office Memorandum No.50 /UHC/Admin-B/IV-01/2023 Dated=11.07.2024 (Oath Commissioners for swearing of Affidavits to be filed in the High Court of Uttarakhand at Nainital with effect from 26.07.2024 to 25.07.2025.)(404 KB)

>> Office Memorandum No. 49 Selection to ‘03’ Vacant Posts of Deputy Registrar.(327 KB)

>>  Office Memorandum No. 38/UHC/Admin.B/XI-C/2005 Dated: 11 June, 2024.(1 MB)

>>  Office Memorandum No. 37/UHC/Admin.B/XVIII-51-2008 Dated: 05 June, 2024. (514 KB)

>>   Office Memorandum No. 29 Viva-voce for Promotion to ‘02’ (Two) vacant posts of Joint Registrar.(331 KB) 

>>   Office Memorandum No. 25 IT/MACT claim calculator/UHC/2024, Date:12/04/2024.(590 KB)

>>   Office Memorandum No. 23 Postponement of Viva-voce for Selection to the vacant Post of Head Bench Secretary. (97 KB)

>>  Office Memorandum No. 22 Postponement of  Viva-voce for Selection to the vacant post of Assistant Registrar (I.T.) / System Analyst. (96 KB)

>>  Office Memorandum No. 21 Postponement of Viva-voce for Selection to the Vacant Post of Registrar (For High Court Cadre) (95 KB)

>>  Office Memorandum No. 20 (Regarding Selection to the Post of Head Bench Secretary.)(294 KB)

>>  Office Memorandum No. 18 Viva-voce Selection to the vacant post of Assistant Registrar (I.T.) / System Analyst.(Dated 12.03.2024)(292 KB)

>>  Office Memorandum No. 17 Viva-voce for selection to the Post of Head Bench Secretary.(Dated 12.03.2024)(120 KB)

>>  Office Memorandum No. 16 Viva-voce for selection to the Vacant Post of Registrar (For High Court Cadre) (Dated 12.03.2024).(119 KB)

>> Hon'ble Judges of the Hon'ble High Court as Vacation Judges for Winter Vacation-2024(Dated 04.01.2024)(612 KB)

>> Schedule of Interview for promotion to '03' vacant post of Public Relation Assistant. Dated 18.12.2023(141 KB)

>> Result For the post of Bench Secretary Grade-II Dated 12.12.2023(224 KB)

>> Date for Interview-cum-Personality Test for filling up the post of Bench Secretary, Grade-II.Dated 09.12.2023 (275 KB)

>> Schedule of Written and Practical Test for '03' vacant post of Public Relation Assistant Dated 06.12.2023 (310 KB)

>> Office Memorandum No. 107/UHC/Admin.B/XVIII-51-2008 Dated: 25th November, 2023. (380 KB)

>> Office Memorandum No 92/I-a-72/Admin.A(Recruitment Cell)/UHC-2020 Date: 11 October,2023.(284KB)

>> Office Memorandum No. 90 /I-a-72/Admin.A (Recruitment Cell)/ UHC-2020 Date: 04th October, 2023(404 KB)

>> Office Memorandum 80/I-a-72/Admin.A (Recruitment Cell)/ UHC-2020 Date: 23 August, 2023(69 KB).

>>  Corrigendum (Updation of Distribution Memos For Attachment of Police Stations to the Motor Accident Claims Tribunals) Dated 27.07.2023(126 KB)

>>  Office Memorandum No. 73 /UHC/Admin-B/XVI-03/2022 Dated: July 22th, 2023 (35 KB)

>>  Office Memorandum No. 72 /UHC/Admin-B/IV-01/2023 Dated: July 22th, 2023 (54 KB)

>>  Office Memorandum No. 68 /UHC/Admin.A/2023 Dated: July 19th, 2023(1.1 MB)

>>  Office Memorandum No. 66/UHC/Admin- B/IV- 01/2023 Dated: 19.07.2023  (500 Kb)

>>   Applications for Promotion / Selection of Regular Class IV Employees of The Court on 03 Vacant Posts of Public Relation Assistant (1.59 Mb)

>>  Office Memorandum No.- 50/UHC/Admin. B/XVIII-51-2008 Dated: June 15,2023(4.89 MB)

>> Notice No.37/UHC/Admin.A/2023 Dated: June 15, 2023 (146 KB)

>> Notice No.31/UHC/Admin.A/2023 Dated: June 02, 2023(105 KB)

>> Office Memorandum No. 43 Dated: May 25 ,2023 (1 MB)

>> Office Memorandum No. 41 /UHC/Admin. B/XVIII-51-2008 Dated: 23.05.2022 (726 KB)

>> Office Memorandum No. 40 (Regarding Selection to the Post of Head Bench Secretary) (Dated 23.05.2023)(494 KB)

>> Office Memorandum No. 34 (Regarding Selection to the vacant post of Deputy Registrar (I.T.)/ Senior System Analyst)(Dated 11.05.2023)(29 KB)

>>  Office Memorandum No.33(Regarding Selection to the Vacant Post of Registrar (For High Court Cadre)(Dated 11.05.2023)(33 KB)

>> Office Memorandum No.-29 (Regarding Selection to the Post of Head Bench Secretary)(Dated 11.05.2023) (36 KB)

>> Office Memorandum No.-27 (Application for one '1' vacant post of Driver in the establishment of High Court of Uttarakhand.)(Dated:10.05.2023)(407 KB)

>> Rules regarding maintenance of Arbitration Records under the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996.(Dated:10.04.2023)(63 KB)

>> Hon'ble Judges of the Hon'ble High Court as Vacation Judges for Winter Vacation-2023(Dated 06.01.2023) (94 KB)

>> Authorization for digitally signing summons/process/notices/communications to be sent to any of the parties through the Electronic Mail Service under `The Uttarakhand Courts Service of Process by Courier, Fax, and Electronic Mail Service (Civil Proceedings) Rules, 2022. (Dated: 15.12.2022) (789.7 KB)

>> Regarding information for Viva-voce for promotion to the vacant posts of Head P.S. and Joint P.P.S. (Dated: 23.08.2022)(470.3 KB)

>> Regarding postponement of 'Viva-voce' for promotion to the vacant posts of Head P.S. and Joint P.P.S. (Dated: 04.08.2022) (422 KB)

>> Regarding information for Viva-voce for promotion to the vacant posts of Head P.S. and Joint P.P.S. (Dated: 28.07.2022)

>> Office Memorandum for Selection to the 09 vacant posts of Bench Secretary Grade-II(Dated 27.07.2022) (108 KB)

>> Regarding postponement of 'Viva-voce' for promotion to the vacant posts of Head P.S. and Joint P.P.S.(Dated:24.06.2022)(445 KB)

>> Regarding information for Viva-voce for promotion to the vacant posts of Head P.S. and Joint P.P.S (Dated:18.06.2022)(448 KB)

>> Application invited for 03 vacant posts of Public Relation Assistant.(Dated:24.03.2022)(970 KB)

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