Hit Counter0024798456Since: 16-03-2011
>> The Roster of Hon’ble Benches of this Court effective from 19.02.2025(Wednesday).(1.2 MB)
>> Amendments in Roster of Hon'ble Benches Issued on 14.10.2024 (w.e.f. 22.10.2024)(338 KB)
>> The Roster of Hon’ble Benches of this Court effective from 15.10.2024 (Tuesday)(26 KB)
>> Amendments in Roster of Hon'ble Benches Issued on 07.09.2024 (w.e.f. 10.09.2024)(93 KB)
>> The Roster of Hon’ble Benches of this Court effective from 10.09.2024 (Tuesday)(204KB)
>> Notice - Posting of Cases before Hon'ble Division Bench-II (w.e.f. 18.06.2024)(69 KB)
>> Notice - Posting of Cases before Hon'ble Division Bench-1 (w.e.f. 15.04.2024)(496 KB)
>> The Roster of Hon’ble Benches of this Court effective from 14.02.2024 (Wednesday).(209 KB)
>> Roster of Hon’ble Benches of this Court effective from 06.11.2023 (Monday) (75KB)
>> The Roster of Hon'ble Benches W.E.F. 28.04.2023 (Friday)(28.7 KB)
>> The Roster of Hon'ble Benches W.E.F. 21.02.2023 (Tuesday)(1.2 MB)
Case Status / Orders/ Judgments (Beta)
Cause List (Daily/Weekly) and Defect List