Hon’ble Mr. Justice Dharam Veer

Born on 15th September, 1951 in Piplia, Tahsil-Bazpur (the then District Nainital), presently District : Udham Singh Nagar. He did his education of High School, Intermediate from Udai Raj Hindu College, Kashipur and did B.Sc. from Meerut University, Meerut (U.P.). After doing L.L.B. from Agra University (U.P.), enrolled as Advocate on 10.01.1974 in U.P. Bar Council. Started practice on Criminal, Civil and Revenue side in District Nainital & Kashipur. Elected as member of Bar Council of Uttarakhand on 12.05.2004 and also elected the Founder Chairman, Bar Council of Uttarakhand on 18.07.2004. Designated as Senior Advocate on 01.07.2004. He is regularly practicing in the High Court of Uttarakhand, Nainital since the creation of the State of Uttarakhand till his elevation as Additional Judge in Uttarakhand High Court at Nainital on 23.09.2006 and took oath as Judge of High Court of Uttarakhand on 19/02/2008. Expired on 16/11/2010.