Hon’ble Mr Justice B.C.Kandpal

Born on 17/08/1948 and got early education at Dehradun. Thereafter did law graduation from Agra University. Joined Aallahabad High Court bar association in the year 1976. Became assistant government advocate for state of U.P in the judicature of Allahabad High Court in the year 1982. Joined higher judicial service in the year 1986 and posted at several place like Mirzapur, Varanashi, Rampur and Kanpur etc. After creation of Uttarakhand posted as a District Judge, Dehradun in the year sept. 2001. Elevated as Additional Judge of the High Court of Uttarakhand at Nainital on 29/06/2004 and as Judge of High Court of Uttarakhand on 21/03/2006. Was Acting Chief Justice from 09.02.2009 to 08.03.2009, from 10.08.2009 to 16.08.2009 and again from 10.09.2009 to 25.09.2009. Retired on 16/08/2010.