
    ICT Development

    ICT Development
    Name Discription
    Paperless Court Two Courts of Hon’ble High Court of Uttarakahnd has been made paperless w.e.f. 3 rd June, 2024. The Case files are being scanned on real time basis and stored in a local server with suitable DMS Application. Special Purpose Interactive Devices (SPD) has been installed for both Hon’ble Benches and Ld. Advocates. The Hon’ble Judges can access the case files anywhere though VPN. Suitable Amendments have been made in the Rules and Standard Operating Procedure has been notified for smooth operation of paperless Court.
    Live Streaming of Court Proceedings With the objective of effectuating and broadening the implementation of the open court concept, the court proceedings of the two Benches of the High Court has live streamed from the 3rd June, 2024. Hon’ble Court is having its own Streaming Server and storage for archived data, which provides complete control, access and security on the data being transmitted by this Hon’ble Court. The Dedicated Control Room has been set up in accordance with Live Streaming of Court Proceedings Rules.
    Hybrid or Dual Mode of Hearing of cases In view of COVID-19 pandemic, hearing of cases in the High Court of Uttarakhand was conducted through Video Conferencing from 15.04.2020 till 31.12.2020. Thereafter, hybrid mode of hearings was started from 04.01.2021, which continued till 12 April 2021, when the Courts were again forced to close physical hearings and hearing through video conferencing was recommenced. At present, the hybrid or dual arrangement of hearing (combination of physical as well as hearing through Video Conferencing) has been put at place in all the Courts. Future Prospect: The Detailed Project Report (DPR) for establishment of True Hybrid Court has been also approved by State Technical Committee and the procurement process is in final stage.
    Digitization of Judicial Records A total of 1,36,00,000 (1 crore and thirty Six lakh) pages of files disposed/pending/fresh in the Hon’ble High Court has been scanned and digitized. We have customized the open source DMS i.e. DPACE (version 7.0) having facilities such as e-Court etc, to store, retrieve and manage the Case files in a secured manner. The Digitization Centre is being established in three District Court complex and by 2024-25, all the District will be covered for Digitization of Record.
    National Service and Tracking of Electronic Processes (NSTEP) NSTEP has been implemented across all the district Court, which is a centralized process service tracking application comprising of a web application and a complementary mobile app designed to streamline the process. Page 4 of 12 NSTEP Mobile App has been provided to bailiffs and process servers enable transparent tracking of service of notices and summons in real-time. The Android smart phones have been provided to all bailiffs which are integrated with the court’s CIS modules. The Bailiffs can capture GPS location, photo of the receiver or premises [where none is available to be served], the signature of the receiver and on the spot recordal of reasons for service not being effected.
    Virtual Courts On 10th June, 2023, Hon’ble the Chief Justice, High Court of Uttarakhand inaugurated Virtual Court in Uttarakhand for online settlement of cases relating to eChallans, under Motor Vehicle Act, 1988 to adjudicate e-traffic challan cases through virtual electronic platform for the entire district of Dehradun. After the successful integration of eChallans software deployed by the State Transport Department with Virtual Courts of State for Petty traffic challan Offences, the Virtual Courts (Transport) and Virtual Court (Traffic) is also started in the State of Uttarakhand.
    E-True Copy “Electronic True Copy of Orders/Judgments” is a software application developed to provide litigants and the Advocates, a form to obtain electronic true copy of orders/judgments available in the Page 5 of 12 National Judicial Data Grid. The main objective of this application is to provide the true copy of order/Judgment at the doorstep of needy person eliminating the requirement of visiting Court for obtaining a certified copy of order/Judgment. The procedure to get the aforementioned e-True copy is available on the official website of Hon’ble High Court of Uttarakhand. In order to provide legal recognition to the electronic copies, “The Uttarakhand High Court Electronic True Copy Rules, 2022” have been notified.
    E-RTI Portal On 19th June, 2023, Hon’ble the Chief Justice, High Court of Uttarakhand inaugurated e-RTI portal. The eRTI (Right to Information) portal is a web application, only for the Indian citizens, that can be accessed through By using the RTI web application, the applicant will be able to file the RTI and First Appeal (FA) application at Hon’ble High Court and District Courts as well.
    Revamping LAN Network and Free WI-Fi Campus Local Area Network in the High Court has been strengthened and revamped. Further, a project for installation of free Wi-Fi facility to all the stakeholders has been approved by State Government vide letter No. 5961/IT-X/Wi-Fi/2023, dated 21.10.2023. The Installation of components for wi-fi campus is in final Stage. The up gradation of Local Page 6 of 12 Area Network in the District Court is being implemented under Phase-III of e-Court Project.
    Bandwidth Up gradation The up gradation of speed of MPLS and NICNET from existing 34 MBPS (NICNET) and 50 MBPS (LL) to 1 GBPS has been done in order to cater the ongoing ICT development on the Hon’ble Court. Having a higher bandwidth make it able to achieve a higher data transfer rate which in turn leads to shorter download times. This is especially significant when downloading large file.
    Neutral Citation Number In compliance of directions issued by Hon’ble e-Committee, Hon’ble Supreme court of India High Court of Uttarakhand has successfully tested and implemented the Neutral Citation w.e.f. 17.07.2022 in this Hon’ble Court. It is a uniform, reliable, and secure methodology for identifying and citing judgments and orders of High Court and now he neutral citation has also been successfully generated in all the Legacy Judgments/Final Orders of this Hon’ble Court.
    The Leave Management system A portal for Online Leave Management for Judicial Officers is created. A Leave Management System is software that streamlines the process of managing leaves for Page 7 of 12 the Judicial Officers of District Court. It helps allocate leaves automatically, based on pre-defined rules, as well as enables the Judges to apply for them through the system from anywhere anytime.
    Interoperable Criminal Justice System (ICJS) The Interoperable Criminal Justice System (ICJS) enabled CIS 3.2 has been implemented in all the District Courts of State. As of now one pillar of ICJS i.e Police is integrated. The process of integration of other pillars i.e. forensic, prison etc is in pipeline.
    Live Case Running Status through LFD Screens and Online Display Board:- Online Display Board software has been developed which can be accessed through the official website of High Court. The Online Display Board provides continuous updated information about the cases being taken up by the High Court as well as District Courts.
    Website/Portal based Legal Aid Information System (LAIS) This portal has been developed for the person in need of free legal aid who can apply online for free legal aid. It monitors the present status of legal aid applications and other information Page 8 of 12 relating to legal aid rendered. The portal is being operated by High Court Legal Service Committee.
    DCPMT- the District Court Performance Monitoring Tool Application Software for monitoring the performance of judicial officers of the State of Uttarakhand is developed. The purely in-house software aims to provide a tool to the Hon’ble Chief Justice and the Hon’ble Administrative Judges of the High Court of Uttarakhand to monitor the performance of the Judicial Officers of the State on five parameters of the Court work on daily and monthly basis. The software tool also enables the High Court to monitor the progress of all the subordinate courts in terms of disposal of every case including special category cases like old cases, cases relating to Women, Children, Senior citizens etc. The Software Tool will also provide the Judicial Officers of the State a platform to monitor their own performance so as to inspire them to do better every day and to achieve a desirable benchmark of performance as per the expectation of the High Court.
    E-HCR Portal For Translated Judgment A web application has been developed by IT Cell to provide the multiple search options including free text search for Judgments of High Court and Supreme Court arising out of the State. IDTA is being requested for hosting the Portal at ITDA server. It is Page 9 of 12 also to mention that as on date total 456 Judgments (High Court & Supreme Court) in Hindi Language have been published in the official Website of High court of Uttarakhand.
    FASTER .:- Fast and secure transmission of electronic records has implemented in this Hon’ble High Court for speedy transmission of order/ judgments to concern district Court/ Jails. FASTER module is created in Case Information System (CIS) software periphery to facilitate the transmission of court orders that are embedded with QR codes and digital signatures by the Bench Secretaries to the FASTER unit. The FASTER module is also used to generate Memos of parties and embed institutional digital seals and digital signatures of authorized officers in Hon’ble Court.
    E-filing Vide notification no. 394/UHC/Admin.A/2021 dated 31st December, 2021, “Uttarakhand Electronic Filing (E-Filing) Rules, 2021” has been notified. e-Filing Ver. 2.0 facility was initiated at Hon’ble High Court w.e.f. 01.01.2022. Thereafter, E-Filing Ver. 3.0 facility was initiated at Hon’ble High Court and all the Subordinate Courts of Uttarakhand w.e.f. 17.01.2023.